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Rawa receives the LUSH Spring Prize, an international award for environmental and social regeneration, in the Influence category. The prize, worth £25,000, will be allocated to support Palestinian community work.


After five years and three grant cycles, we are embarking on a journey of learning from Rawa's experience in Palestinian community building. Our goal is to contribute to the knowledge and documentation of Palestinian community work, toward creating an inspiring space of hope, activism, and further experimentation.


Read about Rawa’s work and some of activities organized by Palestinian initiatives and supported by Rawa during the winter of 2023.


Initiatives from the West Bank, Jerusalem, and 48 met at Jabal al-Najma in Ramallah. It was an intense and captivating meeting where our aim was to enhance cooperation and support relations.


A gathering of Gaza initiatives took place at "The Sea is Ours" cooperative located on the city's beach. The meeting encompassed various games, discussions, and brainstorming sessions focused on networking and fostering cooperation.


A short video summarizing the year 2022 in Rawa.


Soheir Asaad from Rawa's team and Nidaa Nassar, director of Baladna Arab Youth Association and a member of Rawa's advisory committee, participated in a panel on solidarity with Palestine held at the People’s Forum in New York City. They were joined by Sandra Tamari from the Adalah Justice Project and Vince Warren and Nadia Ben Youssef from the Center for Constitutional Rights.


Fadya Salfiti, the Head of Rawa's Advisory Board, participated in a webinar on community engagement, along with Sama Awaida and Abi Aboudi.


Over two intensive days, Rawa held dialogues and discussions during its annual retreat in Ramallah and Gaza. Some sessions were exclusively for Rawa's community committees, while others were open to partners and friends from various initiatives and institutions. The topics covered included agriculture and land, cultural work, and political and social organization. We conducted an evaluation of Rawa's work and collectively contemplated our future.


After selecting the initiatives to be supported in Rawa's third grant cycle, we launched a crowdfunding campaign with the goal of raising $25,000 to provide support—a goal our supporters helped us exceed. We placed our trust in our grassroots community to foster the development of Palestinian community work.


In collaboration with Khasbahi Theatre, we organized a festival that served as a gathering space for individuals interested in the social, political, and cultural aspects of Palestine's work. For three days, we facilitated democratic and open-minded thinking, discussions, learning, and the development of practical tools and tactics for activism, as well as inspiring artistic performances. This zero-budget voluntary program encouraged others to independently apply the same concept throughout Palestine.


For Land Day, we held a webinar that focused on the growing movement related to land, agriculture, and food sovereignty in Palestine. Speakers: Yara Dowani, George Korzom, Jamal Jumaa, Lina Ismail.
